Sunday, April 12, 2009

My 1st Batch of Photos

Here we go... here are some photos I took sometime the beginning of 2009.

State Capital of Hawaii, in downtown, Honolulu. This photo was taken from my Grandma's room at Queen's hospital (thru the window).

This is one of my favorite photos, of a red torch ginger, in my yard. The house is my neighbor's.

Ants on an Mountain Apple from my mom's garden....

Mountain Apples from my mom's garden. I like the clearness on this photo.

This photo was actually taken with my cell phone, so sorry it's not of great quality. But it was pretty neat to see the moon off to the side after the photo was taken, so I wanted to share it with all of you.

Ahhhh.... rainbow over Pearl City one gloomy morning. Just so happen that the person's house that is off to the right had a coconut tree, makes the scene "officially" a paradise shot.

Plumeria bunch in my mom's garden. This one was also taken with my cell phone. Pretty color, ain't it?!?

Clouds that look like cotton, taken with my cell phone camera, and while I was driving home in traffic.


de said...

Great shots! I can't wait to work on my photo blog. Gosh, I hope I get to HI this year to visit!

Jen Mc said...

Beautiful! I want to go back...